Why Veganism RUINS Your Brain

 By Dave From Paleohacks
Creator of the Paleohacks Cookbook

Did we know there’s NEVER been a culture that survived without eating animal products in the entire history of mankind? But that lifestyle sure is trendy now. We don’t have to look hard to find someone swearing up and down how great their “animal-free” vegan diet makes them feel. Usually they try to get YOU to start eating like them too…
Most vegans telling we this don’t exactly look like fitness models. A lot of them are “skinny fat”—without an ounce of muscle on their bodies. But it isn’t just unhealthy on the outside. It's sick on the INSIDE too. The way it eat ruins their brains.
Did we know that meat, fish, and eggs are the ONLY concentrated sources of vitamin B12, vitamin D, and omega-3 fats around? And that those nutrients play KEY roles when it comes to brain health? Vegans don’t eat any of these things, and they pay the price...
But we don’t have to. Let’s find out the truth about veganism (and a better way for we to get healthy):

Veganism Starves Your Brain of Vital Nutrients

We can only get some nutrients (like vitamin C) from plants…
But there are others we can only get from ANIMALS.
So when we ELIMINATE one of these food groups—like vegans want we to do—we  can only imagine the disaster that occurs in your brain.
One of the biggest nutrients vegans miss out on? Vitamin B12.
Every cell in our body uses vitamin B12. It’s especially important for keeping our brain working properly.
A study published in the journal Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism found that 92% of vegans DON’T have enough vitamin B12! That’s a recipe for fatigue, memory loss, and all kinds of other neurological problems.
It takes YEARS for ex-vegans to build their low vitamin B levels back up. One study compared kids who used to be vegans with kids who always ate meat…
The ex-vegans had worse “fluid intelligence” and “short-term memory”—even years after they quit vegan diets.
Omega-3s fatty acids protect we against diseases, depression, and even ADHD…
Vegans aren’t getting NEARLY enough of those, either. We can get some from plants, but it’s much harder for our body to process them from plants than animals.
A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vegans have around HALF the omega-3 levels that meat-eaters do!

Veganism Isn’t A Shred Healthier Than Eating Meat

Vegans love to say they live longer, healthier lives than people who eat meat…
Lies. Despite what vegans say, there are ZERO controlled trials showing veganism is healthier than eating meat.
They might throw some studies at we… supposedly “proving” their lifestyle is the best. But the studies they use DON’T show that vegan diets lead to better health.
Vegans also usually don’t smoke. It don’t drink much, and it exercise. So it’s impossible to prove their DIET (instead of their lifestyle) makes them healthy.
The vegan diet might be better than the typical diet “mainstream” nutrition groups recommend. But practically any other diet is better than that nonsense.
There’s NO scientific reason to avoid eating animals—especially when it give we so many nutrients your brain NEEDS to work.
Does taking HANDFULS of supplements to make up for all the nutrients we’re missing out on sound like the “best” way to eat to we?
We deserve better than that…

“Isn’t There a Better Way?”

If we care about our brain working right, veganism is a perfect example of what NOT to do.
But ou’re probably wondering what we should do instead…
There’s a better way—a way based on THOUSANDS of years of real-life experience.
Pete's Paleo Eats shows we how to embrace that new way of life.
It’s all about eating how our ancestors used to eat. When we eat REAL foods we were meant to eat (including animals), great things happen. Our brain hums along without a hitch. We wake up in the morning with boundless energy.We  feel (and look) younger.
Luckily, we’ve teamed up with one of the most prominent chefs in the Paleo community to bring you dozens of nutritious, gourmet Paleo recipes in our new FREE cookbook.
Learn how to make gourmet dishes like Mongolian Red Pepper Beef w/ Roasted Spaghetti Squash… in under 30 minutes.

It doesn’t matter if you’re busy or new to the kitchen. The cookbook breaks down how to prepare every dish step-by-step. All you have to do is follow along… and enjoy the delicious meals!

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